507-838-8250 or 651-235-0829
I have very flexible hours, therefore I can go on a trip any time with short notice and distance is not an issue. I also have no problem with growing my hair and beard long or cutting it off.
Date of Birth: 9-1975
Nationality: White
Height: 6’ tall
Weight: 204 pounds
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Shoe Size: 10
Pant Size: 34×34
Shirt Size: Large
Vest Size: Large
Coat Size: 48
Glove Size: Large
Hat Size: Medium

Professional Re-enactor: Since 1996
Time Periods: 1760-1940’s
- Driving Cars, trucks, and all kinds of farm equipment, Trick Ropes, Whip Cracking, Knife & Tomahawk Throwing, Roping Livestock, Trick Riding, Horse Fall Stunts, Driving Horses, Riding horses, Training Horses, Handling Wildlife and Livestock
- I reenact history all over USA and in May 2006, I was in Germany (Europe) to re-enact American History, (robbing banks & stores on horseback).